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Mendocino County, California, United States
The measure that has been placed on the ballot by the Board of Supervisors is called "Measure B." Please take a look around the blog and help us Save Mendocino County from the “no-limits” marijuana growing that is destroying our community.

YES on Mendocino County - YES on Measure B


Number of Precincts
Precincts Reporting
235 100.0 %
Times Counted
28192/47040 59.9 %
Total Votes

14577 52.16%
13369 47.84%

Election Summary Report
Summary For Jurisdiction Wide, All Counters, All Races



Thank you from the Yes on B Coalition

Quotes of interest

"...The problem in California is a lack of consistency in the law."

-- Tom Allman, Mendocino County Sheriff, when speaking on marijuana laws (Press Democrat 06/06/07)

“The citizens of Mendocino County deserve clarity with respect to marijuana cultivation limits and enforcement against abuses...”

-- Laura Hamburg, No on Measure B, (March 12, 2008)

On the question of marijuana & methamphetamine in Mendocino County:


“…have you found an interconnectedness?”

panel member,

“The connections that I’ve seen with methamphetamine and marijuana is…I was doing runs down to the city with pounds of weed to trade straight across for methamphetamine that I was bringing back, so to say ‘yes' it does fund some of the methamphetamines that are coming into this county, because to trade straight across I mean, we’re bringing huge amounts back for no cash. We are just growing weed and trading it…

--- KZYX , The Access Program live interview, Ukiah CA, 03/07/08

Section 9:
School, district and community barriers to improvements in student achievement:

"The prevalent use and societal acceptance of marijuana is a unique challenge to this area."

--- Dennis Willeford, Principal of Ukiah High School, Single Plan for Student Achievement at Ukiah High School report as revised November 7th, 2007 to the Ukiah Unified School District Governing Board.

"Growers have come to Mendocino County from out of state because they erroneously believe it's legal to grow marijuana there."

--- Susan Jordan, Attorney (Press Democrat 06/06/07)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Please vote Yes on Measure B

Article Last Updated: 06/02/2008 08:01:42 AM PDT

To the Editor:

Don't sit on the sidelines on Measure B. Please come out and vote on what your mind and heart tells you. You have heard the issues and views from both Yes on B and No on B advocates. Supporters believe Measure B will meet the needs of all seriously ill Mendocino citizens, reduce toxic exposure to the brains of children and adolescents, reduce crime, nuisance, and environmental pollution. Opponents of B believe the current 25-plant limit is necessary for medical illness, will not contribute to crime, and will improve the economy. Others believe that improvement can occur only when federal laws might change in the future. But, for the here and now in Mendocino County, all of us must weigh in with our beliefs. Come out and vote Tuesday, June 3rd.

Robert Werra M.D.

Ukiah Daily Journal Staff

To the Editor:

I am so terribly afraid that the illegal dope growing drug dealers have taken control of what once was a very nice place to live. I am afraid that the recent fact that the registrar of voters has been flooded with well over 2,000 new voter registrations in the past couple of months is an indication of methodical and devious tactics of the No on B supporters, who will do anything to maintain their strangling hold of this county.

Surely not all of the new voters registrations are from legitimate Mendocino County residents. They are probably from people who live out of our county and are making it appear as if they are legitimate residents purely for the purpose of defeating Measure B. You watch, as soon as the election is over these registered voters will scatter like cockroaches in daylight. There are even ads on the radio from the No on B faction promoting this activity.

I am afraid that the criminal element has infiltrated our local government by deceit, fraud and financial backing by NORML. This criminal element has taken over like a cancer spreading its disease into every facet of our local government. Has anyone checked to see where election campaign contributions have come from? Has anyone followed the money?

I am afraid that when our sheriff had the guts to stand up to the dope growing, drug dealers, they threaten him with impeachment as a tactic to try to shut him up. I hope this doesn't happen and that the good people of Mendocino will see through this attack on our highest level law enforcement official. If they control him, they control the county.

I am afraid that while the Yes on B Coalition played by the rules, the No on B people scurried around like rats in the night stealing and defacing the Yes on B signs placed on private property. They distributed confusing literature full of lies and misinformation concerning what Measure B is all about in an attempt to scare people who might have a small amount of pot into thinking they will be targeted by law enforcement. The reality is non-medicinal use of pot is illegal. It has been for over 40 years. Yet, no one has had their doors kicked in by law enforcement because they are smoking a joint in the privacy of their own homes, not unless there is more severe legal activity going on to warrant this.

I also do not believe the No on B people have at all been honest about their funding. Common sense dictates that a large amount of money has probably come from out of county and most likely from NORML, a nationally based organization trying to legitimize the dope growing drug dealers. The No on B people have hired consultants to aid in distraction techniques aimed at confusing the average Mendocino County resident about what the true facts are concerning Measure B.

I am afraid that we have lost our beautiful county to the drug dealers whose slogan is Support our County' when in fact the only thing they are interested in is supporting the environmentally destructive profits which goes directly into their drug dealing dope growing pockets as well as the pockets of their unethical and immoral attorneys who sell their souls to the highest bidders.

Yes, I am afraid that the citizens of Mendocino County are being held hostage by the dope growers and drug dealers. We have slowly allowed them to take over. I am afraid it might be too late to save our county. If we do not actively try to stop the dope growing, dope dealers by demanding that a voter registration fraud investigation be started immediately even if it means postponing the current election, we may never have another chance to stop the criminals. They are too financially supported and too devious. They are a parasite that is eating away at our community. I strongly encourage everyone to please vote Yes on B on June 3rd and don't buy into the propaganda sludge that the opposition has attempted to brainwash and confuse us with. This may be our last chance. We need to break free of the bondage that the drug dealers have on us. Please vote yes on B.

Sallie Palmer

Ukiah Daily Journal Staff

To the Editor:

I have been listening to people talk about why they are either for or against Measure B. I am for Measure B because since Prop 215 passed I have seen a big decline in our youth.

There are a lot of businesses that are saying they are having trouble getting young people to work. When I was working for Willits High School as a coach some of the players were getting a hold of marijuana. I had trouble having them keep their grades up. A lot of them became ineligible at the end of the quarter. I never saw any student go from a C to a B while using marijuana. I have never heard of any teacher saying a student's grades improved by using marijuana. There may have been one or two. I personally never heard of any one including parents say that it did improve their children's grades by using marijuana or that it made their child a better student.

I have talked to over 200 students' parents in the past 10 years and they felt marijuana did a lot of damage to their children's lives. That is why I am voting Yes on B in June.

Dan McBride

To the Editor:

Why does "Yes on B" have my support? There are several reasons, one of them being the absolute rudeness of "No" supporters at the Forum on B held last week at the Willits Grange Hall. Even after their speakers politely offered their reasons for a "no" vote (medical marijuana), it was painfully aware that the vast majority of "no" people in the audience were there because they want to continue on down their path of greed and refusal to make a living in some honest and legal way.

Believe me, I voted for Prop. 215. I fully support honest peoples' rights to use medicinal marijuana within the limits set by the State of California, as well as their personal medical doctor. I support the growers who grow without profit for these people who need their medicine for legitimate reasons.

The main reason I support a "Yes" vote is my frustration in being unable to safely walk on and enjoy my own property anymore. There is marijuana growing just over our fence line. None of us is willing to go to the far reaches of the property to check for pot growth, for fear of what or who we might find there.

We are the third and fourth generations of our family to care for, nurture, protect and love our land in Willits. Another generation -- my grandchildren -- wait in the wings to play on their land and cherish it as we do. I cannot, in good conscience, allow them to play there as their parents did. It is just too risky. What a very sad thing.

If there were no other reason for me to vote "Yes on B," this would be it. I want Mendocino County to go back to being the peaceful, beautiful place it was when my children and I grew up. I truly fear for the future of Willits and Mendocino County if Measure B does not pass.

Please join me in voting "Yes!"

Kathleen Lewis

Article Last Updated: 06/02/2008 08:01:34 AM PDT

To the Editor:

Let's all begin the process of taking back our community and providing a better place for our children. Please join me and vote Yes on Measure B.

Paul Jepson, M.D.

To the Editor:

Measure G has opened a floodgate of criminality in Mendocino County. People from all over the state and the world poured into the countryside and neighborhoods to grow commercial marijuana.

They don't care about anyone or anything else. Some are growing large crops in the thousands. Others are growing smaller, yet still lucrative grows right in the middle of once quiet, safe neighborhoods. The danger from these growers -- their verbal threats, guns and vicious dogs is obvious.

But, there is another, more insidious kind of criminal that came out of the woodwork. This is the commercial grower who amasses big bucks while pretending to grow for medicinal purposes. They claim to be a caregiver providing medicine for the sick.

Then out of the other side of their mouth they say, "Marijuana is the number one cash crop in Mendocino County." Why? Because it's illegal. Do these people really want marijuana to be legalized? No. They want prohibition. They like prohibition. It keeps their profit margins high.

They claim to be interested only in marijuana for medicine, but then proudly proclaim marijuana is the number one crop in Mendocino County.

Well, which is it -- medicine or money?

I think we all know the answer.

Please vote Yes on Measure B.

Larry Puterbaugh

To the Editor:

The how and why of the California six plant limit.

A visit to the pro-marijuana website,, shows the letter from John Vasconcellos and Mark Leno, authors of SB 420, which established the six plant guideline in 2002.

They note that, "We have crafted SB 420 as the result of three years of intensive negotiations among all key stakeholders (including patients, providers and physicians)..."

They also say that, "These guidelines are endorsed by several credible knowledgeable supporters of the medical uses of marijuana: Dr. Marcus Conant (well respected HIV/AIDS doctor), Scott Imler (long-time medical marijuana patient advocate and president of the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center), Marsha Rosenbaum (medical sociologist and director of the San Francisco office of Drug Policy Alliance), and Jerry Uelman (Professor of Law at Santa Clara University and medical marijuana defense attorney)."

Most important of all, they note that the adopted state limit of six mature plants or 12 immature plants and 1/2 pound of dried marijuana isn't inflexible, but rather allows any patient to have more if a physician recommends that they need it.

They conclude by saying SB 420, "Provides broad protection to tens of thousands of ill Californians without jeopardizing any ill Californians."

As the election approaches, voters should beware of last-minute misinformation from the opponents to Measure B.

The SB 420 guidelines were carefully developed to account for the medical needs of patients. In contrast, Richard Johnson, the principal author of Measure G, has described the 25-plant limit of Measure G as being, "Entirely arbitrary. We were going for the maximum." It is the 25 plant limit that has no scientific or medical basis.

We have a crisis from the impacts of commercial marijuana. Measure B will help us deal with this crisis by getting us back in line with the rules that govern in the vast majority of California counties instead of making Mendocino County a magnet for commercial growers.

Ross Liberty

No comments:

Measure B on the June ballot will provide:

-> That the amount of marijuana allowed for medical marijuana patients will be the same as the limit set by California State law.

The state limit, presently 6 mature plants and 8 ounces of processed marijuana per patient, will replace the higher 25-plant limit that has existed in Mendocino County since 2000. This will stop Mendocino County from being a “magnet" for marijuana growers who move here for quick profit.

-> That Measure G is repealed.

"Measure G ordered the sheriff to make enforcement of all marijuana laws his lowest priority, below even jaywalking. Prosecutions for less than 25 plants “per single case” was prohibited. Measure G discourages law enforcement and the Board of Supervisors from stopping abuses and threats to health and safety. Whenever the County tries to impose any limits on marijuana growing, the “no-limits” marijuana lobby threatens to sue for “violation of Measure G.”

Please send donations to

Yes On B Coalition
759 S. State Street #114
Ukiah, CA. 95482

Visit YES on Mendocino County Measure B Coalition for more information

Yes on Measure B - What's Happening?

June 3 -
Vote YES on Mendocino County Measure B

May 19 -
Last day to register to vote YES on Measure B.

Find my polling location. Enter your address and find your polling precinct and location.

Visit the Mendocino County Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder for more information.

May 7 - 7:o0pm
Measure B community forum
Location: Willits Grange.

May 5
Absentee ballots are mailed.

May 3 - 10:30am
Televised Measure B debate Coast League of Women Voters Measure B Community Forum.
Location: St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal Church, Ft. Bragg.

May 1 - 6:00pm
Televised Measure B debate
Location: Mendocino Coast Television, Ft. Bragg

April 29 - 7:00pm
Anderson Valley Community Action Coalition
Location: Assembly of God - 14500 Highway 128 in Boonville

April 16 - 6:30pm
City Council meeting, City to vote on endorsing Measure B
Location: City Hall.

April 15 - 7:00pm
Ukiah Valley Chamber of Commerce / Candidates night
Location: City Hall.

April 14 - 6:30pm
Yes on Measure B debate
Location: City Hall.

Thank you for your support in
"Saving Mendocino County"

In our opinion

We want our county back

We've been hearing from readers that the level of outrage over marijuana growing in this county is continuing to rise.

The news of search warrants being quashed and pot growers walking away from court back to local neighborhoods to keep growing, of trucks and cars traveling up and down Highway 101 full of pot, of smart attorneys taking advantage of the mess that Measure G made of our county's desire to be fair to pot smokers and compassionate to the sick and dying, is all taking its toll.

When Measure G passed in the year 2000 the headlines in pro-marijuana publications read: "Marijuana growing legalized in Mendocino County, California!"

That is the message we sent to the world. That was not the message intended by many of the people who voted for Measure G back then and it is one we need to reverse by passing Measure B on the ballot in June.

What we're seeing in the news right now is a good example of why Measure B is so necessary. We need to return safety and sanity to our neighborhoods.

But perhaps most importantly Measure B will send a message back out into the world that Mendocino County is no longer the place to move to with your dreams of pulling in six figures a year tax free in a sweet deal made possible by the unwitting voters in Mendocino County who thought they were just giving a few local pot smokers a break.

In the coming weeks you will hear more about Measure B and you will hear from a group now organized to stop Measure B.

They will tell you Measure B will prevent medical marijuana patients from getting their medicine. False.

Measure B enacts locally the state standards for medical marijuana: six plants per patient. And remember when someone says "only six plants?" that one pot plant can be 10 to 12 feet tall and three to four feet wide. And they can have more immature plants, and they can get a doctor's recommendation if need be for even more. In other words, the state's regulations, developed by physicians committed to helping the sick and dying, concluded that six plants was plenty for any legitimate medical marijuana patient.

They will tell you Measure B criminalizes marijuana and "targets small-scale personal use growers." False.

Measure B simply reverses the excesses of Measure G, which gave everyone a license to grow as many as 25 pot plants continuously, year round, and led to the off-kilter notion that with the addition of dozens of medical marijuana cards, one could legally grow hundreds of plants anywhere in the county without fear of prosecution. That is where we stand today.

Don't let the "No on B" folks fool you. Measure B will indeed put a crimp on commercial marijuana production. They also argue that 25 plants is not a commercial growing operation. We differ. A 25-plant pot garden is not personal use. Much of that pot is being sold on the open market.

As the closure of the Ukiah medical marijuana dispensary this week showed, there are far more people growing "medical marijuana" than there are local medical marijuana patients.

If the news about the expanding commercial marijuana operations in this county disturbs you, if you support medical marijuana and even personal use, but not the outrageous abuses and the current pot traffic, then plan to vote Yes on B and make the message clear that we want our county back.

Argument in favor of Measure B

Marijuana cultivation in Mendocino County is clearly out of control. We have become a target for "no-limits" commercial marijuana growers who want quick profit and who care nothing about the impacts to our neighborhoods, our communities or the environment.

With the boom in commercial marijuana growing a crime wave has engulfed our communities. Home invasion robberies, trespassing, impacts to schools, and an influx of guns and attack dogs in residential neighborhoods are commonplace. Young people are increasingly turning to marijuana cultivation as a "career path."

Environmental damage from marijuana cultivation includes spills of diesel fuel and waste oil, dumping of trash, misuse of pesticides and fertilizers, illegal water diversion that has completely dried up some streams, poisoning of wildlife, damage to rural roads and strong odors that have sickened nearby residents.

What has caused this crisis? Much of the blame lies with Measure G, approved in 2000, that told law enforcement that all marijuana laws were the "lowest priority" for law enforcement, even lower than jaywalking.

Measure G discourages law enforcement from protecting us against even the most flagrant abuses by the commercial growers and sends a message to the nation that "marijuana is legal" in Mendocino County.

This has made us a magnet for "get-rich-quick" growers who hide behind medical marijuana as a "cover" for commercial marijuana production.

A "Yes" vote on Measure B does two simple things: it protects the rights of medical marijuana patients by adopting the same limits as state law and it repeals Measure G.

"Yes" on B tells law enforcement that we want protection against the abuses of the "no-limits" commercial growers.

"Yes" on B tells out-of-control growers that they are no longer welcome in Mendocino County.

Help save Mendocino County. Vote "Yes" on Measure B.

Duane Wells , Co-chairman, Yes on B Coalition
D.J. Miller, Co-chairman, Yes on B Coalition
Mari Rodin
Dave Bengston
Ron Orenstein

The rest of the argument


Measure B is a backward step towards marijuana re-criminalization that targets small-scale, personal use growers instead of large-scale commercial operators and organized criminals who are actually causing the problems in Mendocino County.

In 2000, Mendocino County voters overwhelmingly approved Measure G, the Personal Use of Marijuana Initiative, which allows cultivation of twenty--five (25) plants or fewer for personal use only, while leaving commercial cultivation and sales illegal.

Measure B would 1) repeal Measure G so as to re-criminalize personal use growing, and 2) subject medical marijuana patients to arrest and prosecution on felony charges for growing more than six (6) plants, forcing many seriously ill people into the criminal market to get their medicine.

Mendocino County will not be made safer by cracking down on small personal use growers. Instead, it will be made less safe by diverting police resources. Sheriff Tom Allman has said that reducing patient plant guidelines to six plants would be "a burden on law enforcement" under which his deputies "will not be able to focus on any other public safety issue". (Press Democrat 3/17/07)

Mendocino County sorely needs to regulate large-scale gardens and to attack illicit grows and commercial trafficking. Measure B is a bogus diversion that does neither.

The solution is not to repeal Measure G (MCC9.36), but to seek ways to enforce it by regulating commercial growing.

If you support targeting large-scale criminal operations rather than personal use gardens, VOTE NO on B.

If you believe seriously ill patients should not be arrested for seven (7) plants, VOTE NO on B.

If you believe law enforcement has more important priorities than arresting and prosecuting small marijuana gardeners, VOTE NO on B.

If you support decriminalization of marijuana, VOTE NO on B.

B is Bad for Mendocino. Vote NO.

I swear under penalty of perjury that the above NO ON MEASURE B ballot argument is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signed by:
William L. Courtney MD
Catherine Babcock Magruder, Community Cultural Artist/Cancer Survivor
Keith Faulder, Attorney At Law
Peter Keegan MD
Lynda McClure, Union Representative


Don’t be fooled by false arguments and misleading quotations.

Measure B protects medical patients - not commercial growers.

The State recommended limits of 6 adult or 12 immature plants, plus ½ lb of marijuana, (more if physician recommended), is more than sufficient for seriously ill patients.

Sheriff Allman is neutral on Measure B, but previously said, “the problem in California is a lack of consistency in the law.” Recently, Sheriff Allman stated “Measure B will not change our focus. Investigating violent crime will remain our top priority. We do not, and will not, target small grows. We will continue to focus on large grows and complaints about growers who create a public nuisance, endanger public safety or trash the environment.”

“YES” ON B repeals Measure G which is inconsistent with state law, and makes Mendocino County a magnet for commercial growers who use medical marijuana as a cover for growing hundreds of plants.

“YES” ON B repeals G, which sanctions commercial quantities of 25 plants for everyone and tells law enforcement that ALL marijuana laws are the “lowest priority” and should not be enforced.

VOTE “YES” ON B - repeal G and end the hypocrisy that tells our kids it’s OK to break the law as long as you make money.

VOTE “YES” ON B - tell law enforcement and elected officials we want to feel safe in our homes and neighborhoods and we want our children and the environment protected from commercial growers who are motivated only by quick profit.
more information:

s/Dave Turner, Fort Bragg City Council member
s/Karen Oslund, Willits City Council member
s/Marvin Trotter, M.D., Emergency Room Physician
s/Karin Wandrei, Ph.D., Executive Director, Mendocino County Youth Project
s/Robert Werra, M.D., Hospice Medical Advisor

FULL Text of Measure B

[Note: In response to a petition from 1,000 citizens, along with resolutions by the city councils of Ukiah and Willits, the Board of Supervisors acted on January 8, 2008 to place Measure B on the ballot at the June election for consideration by the voters.]

The People of the County of Mendocino ordain as follows:


Section 1 Purpose

The purpose of this ordinance is to eliminate the abuses created by the increased and uncontrolled production of recreational and medical marijuana while protecting the rights of legitimate medical marijuana patients and primary caregivers. It does so by repealing Measure G and establishing guidelines for possession of medical marijuana for medical purposes that are consistent with state law.

Section 2 Findings

1. On November 6, 1996, the people of the State of California enacted the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 known as Proposition 215, which permits seriously ill residents of the state, who have a doctor’s recommendation, to use or possess marijuana for medical purposes without fear of criminal liability. Proposition 215 is codified in Health and Safety Code section 11362.5.

2. On November 7, 2000, the voters of Mendocino County approved an initiative known as Measure G (administratively codified as Mendocino County Code Chapter 9.36), the stated purpose of which was to establish a maximum limit of plants and weight for cultivation and possession of marijuana for personal medical and recreational use in Mendocino County, and prohibit the expenditure of public funds for enforcement of marijuana laws against cultivators and users in possession of quantities below that limit, which was identified by the Measure as twenty-five (25) adult flowering female marijuana plants or the equivalent in dried marijuana.

3. On October 12, 2003, the Governor of the State of California signed SB 420. Codified in sections 11362.7 through 11362.83 of the Health and Safety Code, SB 420 was adopted to address implementation of Proposition 215 and to facilitate the prompt identification of qualified patients and their designated primary caregivers in order to avoid unnecessary arrest and prosecution of these individuals.

4. SB 420 establishes minimum guidelines for the maintenance and possession of medical marijuana. Health and Safety Code Section 11362.77(a)-(f) provides that a qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess no more than eight (8) ounces of dried marijuana per qualified patient and that a qualified patient or primary caregiver may also maintain no more than six (6) mature of twelve (12) immature plants per qualified patient. If a qualified patient or primary caregiver has a doctor’s recommendation that this quantity does not meet the qualified patient’s needs, the qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess an amount that is consistent with the qualified patient’s needs.

5. Health and Safety Code section 11362.77(c) allows counties and cities to retain or enact medical marijuana guidelines allowing qualified patients or primary caregivers to exceed the state limits.

6. On August 7, 2007, the Board of Supervisors, in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 11362.77(c) and recognizing the state purpose of Measure G as it related to medical use only, adopted a policy, which allowed qualified patients or primary caregivers to maintain twenty-five (25) plants and to possess no more than two (2) pounds dried marijuana per qualified patient.

7. The effect of Measure G has been to increase public safety issues surrounding the uncontrolled production of marijuana either for medical or recreational use, and has jeopardized the health, safety and welfare of the people of Mendocino County.

Section 3 Repeal of Mendocino County Code Chapter 9.36

Mendocino County Code Chapter 9.36, Cannabis Personal Use Ordinance for Mendocino County, is hereby repealed.

Section 4 Limits for Possession of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

A qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess or maintain for medical purposes only those amounts as set forth in Health and Safety Code section 11362.77 and as amended by State or Federal legislation.

Section 5 Severability

If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance.