We want our county back We've been hearing from readers that the level of outrage over marijuana growing in this county is continuing to rise.
The news of search warrants being quashed and pot growers walking away from court back to local neighborhoods to keep growing, of trucks and cars traveling up and down Highway 101 full of pot, of smart attorneys taking advantage of the mess that Measure G made of our county's desire to be fair to pot smokers and compassionate to the sick and dying, is all taking its toll.
When Measure G passed in the year 2000 the headlines in pro-marijuana publications read: "Marijuana growing legalized in Mendocino County, California!"
That is the message we sent to the world. That was not the message intended by many of the people who voted for Measure G back then and it is one we need to reverse by passing Measure B on the ballot in June.
What we're seeing in the news right now is a good example of why Measure B is so necessary. We need to return safety and sanity to our neighborhoods.
But perhaps most importantly Measure B will send a message back out into the world that Mendocino County is no longer the place to move to with your dreams of pulling in six figures a year tax free in a sweet deal made possible by the unwitting voters in Mendocino County who thought they were just giving a few local pot smokers a break.
In the coming weeks you will hear more about Measure B and you will hear from a group now organized to stop Measure B.
They will tell you Measure B will prevent medical marijuana patients from getting their medicine.
False. Measure B enacts locally the state standards for medical marijuana: six plants per patient. And remember when someone says "only six plants?" that one pot plant can be 10 to 12 feet tall and three to four feet wide. And they can have more immature plants, and they can get a doctor's recommendation if need be for even more. In other words, the state's regulations, developed by physicians committed to helping the sick and dying, concluded that six plants was plenty for any legitimate medical marijuana patient.
They will tell you Measure B criminalizes marijuana and "targets small-scale personal use growers." False.
Measure B simply reverses the excesses of Measure G, which gave everyone a license to grow as many as 25 pot plants continuously, year round, and led to the off-kilter notion that with the addition of dozens of medical marijuana cards, one could legally grow hundreds of plants anywhere in the county without fear of prosecution. That is where we stand today.
Don't let the "No on B" folks fool you. Measure B will indeed put a crimp on commercial marijuana production. They also argue that 25 plants is not a commercial growing operation. We differ. A 25-plant pot garden is not personal use. Much of that pot is being sold on the open market.
As the closure of the Ukiah medical marijuana dispensary this week showed, there are far more people growing "medical marijuana" than there are local medical marijuana patients.
If the news about the expanding commercial marijuana operations in this county disturbs you, if you support medical marijuana and even personal use, but not the outrageous abuses and the current pot traffic, then plan to vote Yes on B and make the message clear that we want our county back.
Article Last Updated: 03/12/2008 11:40:21 AM PDT
1 comment:
Pot plants seized after shooting
Published: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 5:11 a.m.
A Laytonville man was shot Sunday morning in or near a marijuana garden, Mendocino County authorities reported Monday.
Roy Joseph Wentz Jr., 44, was flown to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital with a serious but not life-threatening gunshot wound to his arm, said Sheriff's Lt. Rusty Noe.
Wentz reportedly was visiting friends in the Iron Peak subdivision of Laytonville when he decided to go for a walk, he said.
He was returned to his friends' home in the vehicle of an unknown man who said he had found Wentz, Noe said. The friends took Wentz for medical help.
When deputies searched the area, they found evidence of the shooting and 150 pot plants, which were seized, Noe said.
-- Glenda Anderson
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