Ukiah Daily Journal Staff
Article Last Updated: 05/11/2008 12:38:48 PM PDT

at a candidate forum earlier this year.
The general election is in June.
(MacLeod Pappidas/The Daily Journal)
Editor's note: We asked our readers to feel free to answer the same questions we put to supervisor candidates and here are the answers we got.
1. What is your opinion of Measure B and what should be done about the cultivation of marijuana, medical or otherwise, in the county?
Denise Beckler: I believe Measure B needs desperately to be passed. Cultivation of marijuana needs to be stopped. I don't believe in medical marijuana either except as "prescribed" by a doctor with dosages not freely grown for personal use (even if it is only 6 plants.) Some say legalize it look at what happened with prohibition! Well, my response is that legal drinking is also a major problem. Many DUI's and drunk-driver deaths. If we want to respond by saying reduce the problem legalize it, then who defines where it stops? Legalize meth? It all boils down to "money." For too many, money is more important that quality of life, or even life itself.
Andrew Nicoll: Marijuana has been grown in Mendocino County ever since I moved here 31 years ago. High-value crops used to be out in the country and away from populated areas. The passage of Measure G allowed people to grow in town, in neighborhoods, just about anywhere. It has affected the lives of people living around these operations. There seems to be more crime, theft and uneasy feelings as a result. I would support Measure B in hopes of reducing the amount of growing that takes place in populated areas.
Marc Parsley: Law enforcement made a huge misstate when it announced to the nation that it was going to do nothing about pot. Law enforcement put us all in a hole and now we have to dig ourselves. Unfortunately the people we will be relying upon to do this are law enforcement.
Larry Puterbaugh: I believe we should pass Measure B. The state limit of 6 plants is more than enough for any medical marijuana patient. The 25 plant limit of Measure G has attracted criminals from all over the country to Mendocino County. We've inadvertently put out a welcome mat for people only interested in profit. These people have been given the impression (by Measure G and High Times magazine) that no one will be prosecuted for marijuana here. After all, Measure G instructs law enforcement (the D. A. and the sheriff's dept.) to make marijuana its lowest priority.
My experience is a perfect example of this problem. Memo Parker is my neighbor. The smell of his crop could be detected two blocks away. In 2004 a criminal, attracted by the smell, attempted to rip off his crop. He came through my backyard to get to Memo's yard. He jumped over my back fence and shot Memo in the hand. He then came back through my back yard, still carrying the gun. If my wife or I had been in our backyard at the time we would have been in grave danger of being shot and killed.
It's imperative that we pass Measure B. We need to feel safe again in our own homes.
Chuck Savage: Limit marijuana growing to 6 plants.
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