A political mailer sent out earlier this month marked to the attention of Republicans contains an endorsement for No on B, but neither local Republicans nor the No on B Campaign appear to have heard of it.
Margie Handley, 3rd District representative for the Mendocino Republican Committee, said they haven't. At least, not locally.
"I know the central committee has endorsed Measure B," she said.
The mailer contains ads for Mendocino County's Measure B, as well as two statewide ballot measures, Propositions 98 and 99, and for 1st District state Assembly candidate Jim Pell.
Several people in the county have expressed confusion as to why Republicans would be against Measure B.
Laura Hamburg, spokeswoman for the No on B campaign, said the ad did not come from the campaign and that she had not yet seen it.
"We didn't put the ad in," she said.
Hamburg said the ad was a donation from a Los Angeles organization that wanted to spread the message of No on B.
"I honestly don't know who they are," she said.
A disclaimer in the lower right corner of the ad reads that the mailer was not prepared by an official political party organization.
"Appearance is paid for and authorized by each candidate and ballot measure," the disclaimer reads
Repeated calls to the California Voter Guide, which published the mailer, were not returned at press time.
"Anytime we're able to get the No on B message out there, we think that's great," Hamburg said.
Measure B, which was placed on the ballot by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors in January, would repeal Measure G and set medical marijuana limits in Mendocino County at the state limit of six mature or 12 immature plants and eight ounces of dried marijuana.
Measure G, which was passed by Mendocino County voters in 2000, instructed law enforcement to make the prosecution of marijuana gardens of 25 plants or fewer the lowest possible priority.
The election is June 3.
Ben Brown can be reached at udjbb@pacific.net.
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