Friday, May 30, 2008
(05-30) 04:00 PDT Calpella, - -- Mendocino CountyThe house looked like any other in the hills overlooking Lake Mendocino: neatly painted blue walls, a redwood deck spreading into a yard of raked dirt and stones, a tidy shed to the side of the driveway.
Then the 12-man major crimes task force kicked in the doors one day earlier this month at twilight, screaming, "Police Department, search warrant!" And it became clear this was no house for living.
It had been gutted and transformed into an indoor farm for at least 270 marijuana plants.
Ranging from 1 to 5 feet high, the plants were arrayed throughout the house beneath 27 heat lamps. A wall-size display of 130-watt fans and air-conditioning engines blasted cold air through hundreds of feet of piping to keep the temperature at 71.4 degrees.
And that didn't count the trailer a few hundred feet up the hill, where a similar arrangement nurtured 250 small starter plants. Or the 50-kilowatt diesel generator in that tidy shed fitted with hidden, insulated walls to muffle its around-the-clock roar.
All told, arresting officers estimated it must have cost at least $100,000 to set up the house. The pot had an estimated street value of at least $1 million.
"Pretty typical for what we see around here," said Robert Nishiyama, commander of the Mendocino Major Crimes Task Force, as he surveyed the operation. "It's not really that big."
Authorities destroyed a record 333,000 plants in Mendocino County last year, 100,000 more than the previous year.
Nishiyama and his team hit an operation like this about three times a week. Nishiyama, a special agent with the state Department of Justice, estimates that even if local law enforcement ran raids every day, they would still only get a fraction of the market - and they now seize less than 20 percent.
"It's everywhere," he said. "We don't even bother with the small stuff."
At the raided house, 35-year-old Jason Smith sat morosely on the deck steps, hands cuffed behind his back. He was the only one at the house when it was raided.
"I'm not at liberty to talk about this," he said, gazing up at the deputy guarding him. His eyes hardened.
"I will say this, though," Smith said. "We kill people in other countries for oil, we have pharmaceutical companies abusing people for billions of dollars - and then you have a naturally growing herb that can be used for medicine.
"It doesn't make sense to criminalize it," he said. "No sense at all."
Since local pot regulations were relaxed in 2000, Mendocino County pot cultivation has exploded to new highs - and with it have come new headaches.
Police say there has been a proliferation of home invasion robberies, which they blame on drug dealers ripping off pot growers. In 2000, authorities countywide recorded 1,100 pot-related criminal offenses; last year there were 1,500. Fire officials estimate 40 percent of structure fires are now ignited by super-hot indoor pot-growing lights.
"A decade ago, marijuana was really only grown in the hills," said Ukiah Police Chief Chris Dewey. "Now it's everywhere. We've been arresting growers who came here from Florida, New York, Texas, Chicago - you name it. People are fed up."
-Kevin Fagan

Authorities raid two houses north of Ukiah, Calif., on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, seizing hundreds of marijuana plants and growing equipment worth nearly 100.000. Daily raids are part of the background as Mendocino County residents prepare to decide on controversial Measure B, a proposal to outlaw the growing of more than six medicinal marijuana plants.
Photo by Kim Komenich / San Francisco Chronicle
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