To the Editor:
I received a phone call yesterday asking me to subscribe to the Ukiah Daily Journal, and here's why I said no. Your editor, K.C. Meadows, is now leading a vendetta against half the population of Mendocino County. I will not take a newspaper that is so biased that it doesn't see real people, but continues to editorialize using assumptions based on the lowest common denominator.
My wonderful husband is 74 years old, and has been diagnosed with glaucoma. His sight has not worsened over the years. He has, in fact, saved his eyesight by smoking marijuana. I'm also a senior using marijuana for pain management. We are at this time allowed to grow the number of plants necessary for us to smoke or eat for a year.
Unfortunately, after finally beginning to feel safe about growing our medicine, our fears have returned. What bothers us is the hatred thrown at marijuana smokers and growers that is all out of proportion to their supposed crimes, and we are all painted with the same brush.
The Ukiah Daily Journal encourages this with their unkind comments and thoughtless condemnations. The truth is that the growers and smokers you don't hear about -- the one's that are not in the news -- are in the majority in Mendocino County. Huge numbers of people are simply minding their own business, without trouble or violence. These are the residents of our county that the "yes on B" people and the Ukiah Daily Journal would have you believe are all growing monster plants and making more money than Bill Gates. It's a ridicules stance. Measure B is another step in the wrong direction -- backwards.
Jean Hanamoto
Editor's note:
I am sorry that you do not subscribe to the Daily Journal, but if you did, you would have read that Measure B in no way prevents any medical marijuana patient from growing or smoking as much medical marijuana as their doctor says they need. We believe that medical marijuana patients should heartily endorse Measure B since the rampant misuse of the medical marijuana law made possible in this county by Measure G (which Measure B seeks to repeal) has begun to erode public support for medical marijuana laws in general and set your cause back.
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