With a unanimous vote Wednesday night, the Ukiah City Council joined the Willits and Fort Bragg councils in endorsing Measure B, the local marijuana reform measure on the June 3 ballot.
The council previously considered the item in February and decided not to take a position at that time, electing to host a forum on Measure B instead. The item was eventually placed on the agenda after dozens of area residents requested the council to reconsider its stance at its April 2 meeting. Recognizing the importance of the decision, Vice Mayor Phil Baldwin tried to explain the magnitude of such an endorsement.
"This decision to endorse the issue is precedent setting," Baldwin said, warning that battling against Measure B would only continue to polarize voters. "Not supporting Measure B simply achieves nothing to expand the base. The reason it doesn't help anyone on the left is that the majority of the working people perceive a gross injustice here, with people making money without paying any taxes on it. This actually alienates the people on the left."
But Baldwin's comments were not without mixed opposition and support from the public.
Tom Davenport from the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board warned the council that endorsing Measure B would be fruitless.
"It's simply inappropriate," Davenport said. "One of the difficulties that we have here is that Measure B is being presented to the voters in a very emotional way. I would be flabbergasted if I found out that any one of you have researched this in close detail."
Laura Hamburg, a member of No on B, followed Davenport's comments expressing her belief in the zip-tie system as well as residents' ability to support and monitor each other instead of using tax dollars for enforcement.
"Law enforcement has to enforce the law," Hamburg said. "People -- our neighbors -- have to encourage each other to stay within the law. I think we should go back to the idea of the proposal to sell zip ties."
Hamburg's comments didn't mirror those of the Ukiah Police Department, with Chief Chris Dewey explaining his belief that Measure B would bring consistency to what has been a confusing situation.
"I think that Measure B in an important step in that direction. It establishes consistency," Dewey said. "It will really aid in the confusion that exists today because the jurisdictional lines aren't painted, but this will create a standard for our whole community."
Following Dewey's comments, Councilmembers Benj Thomas, John McCowen and Mari Rodin each articulated their reasons for endorsing the measure.
"We just can't deny the magnitude of the problem," Rodin said. "It's just growing and growing. While it's not perfect public policy, we can't be a vacuum within this county. That's why it's necessary to support Measure B. It sends a message that the people of Mendocino County have had it."
After explaining her stance, Rodin made a motion for the council to endorse the measure, which was seconded by McCowen. A unanimous vote followed the motion.
Measure B, which was placed on the ballot by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors in January, would repeal Measure G and set medical marijuana limits in Mendocino County at the state limits of six mature or 12 immature plants and eight ounces of dried marijuana.
Measure G, which was passed by Mendocino County voters in 2000, instructed law enforcement to make the prosecution of marijuana gardens of 25 plants or fewer the lowest possible priority.
Zack Sampsel can be reached at udjzs@pacific.net.
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