While debates rage in public forums and private homes over the future of medical marijuana in Mendocino County, both sides of the debate have been marshaling their forces for Election Day.
Both sides have received endorsement from prominent members of the community, though the Yes on B Coalition has received a larger number of official commitments.
The announcement by Yes on B that it has received the support of 40 local physicians was the latest in a long list of supporters that the measure had garnered.
"The medical community is very unhappy with the fraudulent misuse of the compassionate medical marijuana program as a front for the rampant commercial growing of marijuana for profit, with all the harmful impacts that has caused this county," said Dr. Robert Werra.
Werra joins members of county government and law enforcement in endorsing Measure B, including Ukiah Police Department Chief Chris Dewey, Deputy District Attorney Matt Finnegan, Mendocino County Sheriff's Lt. Kurt Smallcomb, County Supervisor Jim Wattenburger, Ukiah City Council Members Phil Baldwin, Mari Rodin, John McCowen and Benj Thomas; and Ukiah Mayor Doug Crane.
Measure B has also received endorsement from several local organizations, including the Mendocino County Deputy Sheriff's Association, The Mendocino Farm Bureau and the City Councils of Fort Bragg and Willits.
The Ukiah City Council is scheduled to consider endorsement for the second time tonight.
While not as numerous, supporters of No on B are equally fervent in their support.
Former Mendocino County Assessor-Clerk Recorder Marsha Wharff was one of several people to sign an argument placed in the county election pamphlet. Her name was later removed on a technicality but it did not blunt her support for those fighting Measure B.
"I will continue to oppose Measure B," Wharff said. "I am interested in the medical part of marijuana. If you've never had to care for another person, you don't have a clue about what this medicine can do for pain management, calming anxiety and promoting wellness of mind," said Wharff, who cares for her husband, who has cancer.
Others opposed to Measure B include attorney Susan Jordan, county Supervisor David Colfax, Dr. Peter Keegan, Dr. William Courtney, attorney Keith Faulder and cancer survivors Kate Babcock Magruder and Carrie Hamburg.
Measure B, which was placed on the ballot by the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors in January, would repeal Measure G and set medical marijuana limits in Mendocino County at the state limits of six mature or 12 immature plants and eight ounces of dried marijuana.
Measure G, which was passed by Mendocino County voters in 2000, instructed law enforcement to make the prosecution of marijuana gardens of 25 plants or fewer the lowest possible priority.
The election is scheduled for June 3.
For more information on No on B, go to http://www.nomeasureb.org.
For more information on Yes on B, go to http://www.yesonbcoalition.org.
Ben Brown can be reached at udjbb@pacific.net.
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